Information for families
Staverton Kindergarten received an overall rating of Exceeding National Quality Standards by the Office of Early Childhood Education and Care. As part of the National Quality Framework under which all Kindergarten programmes are assessed, we proudly exceed the National Quality Standard in all (7 out of 7) quality areas.
The high quality of our programme built by our teachers has been a key part of this result. Alongside this, the dedication of our Educators and our dilligent and commendable committee, have all contributed to the wonderful culture of playing, discovering and growing here at Staverton. A quote from the report ‘at Staverton our ‘[Teachers and Educators] have created a sense of ‘belonging’ in the design of both indoor and outdoor environments and demonstrate play can be a catalyst for learning everywhere.’
This encapsulates what Staverton is all about in preparing our children to start learning outside our homes about the world that we live in and how to thrive as capable, confident and active learners.
Regulations, policies and curriculum
The following are documents relating to regulations, policies and curriculum that at Staverton we adhere to:
Education and Care Services National Law (Queensland) Act 2017
Education and Care Services National Regulation (Queensland) 2013
In alignment with our commitment to sustainability, for all Gowrie QLD policies please speak directly to our Nominated Supervisor for an electronic copy.
Reconciliation Action Plan
Staverton Kindergarten is committed to reconciliation and recognises the importance of early childhood education in the building of a harmonious community and future for all children. The Staverton Reconciliation Action Plan is created cooperatively with staff and families and details the ways we commit to embracing reconciliation.
SK News
We send out a newsletter each term that provides our families with updates on what has occurred during the term and shares any upcoming information.
​​​Past newsletters
Term 2, 2020